The Growth Of Conductive Inks In The Manufacturing Sector.

The electronics market has now moved to printed electronics and there are exciting times ahead, as new applications come out and more and more ink manufacturers who use conductive ink, are exploring new and industrious opportunities to move ahead. These new products will offer significant advantages to the owners of the brand and to the end users as well. These new products and applications include smart packaging, printed RFID tags, medical test strips and the list goes on and on. There are many advantages of printed electronics, but the most important is probably the costs involved and also the increased efficiency of manufacturing.

Fantastic Advancements.

Just being able to produce a kind of circuitry onto a printing press, is in itself, amazing and saves massive amounts of money. There still continue to be some technical issues to get around and conductive inks have required a great deal of additional research. Thankfully, there have been many advancements in this regard, including metallics and nanoparticle inks, and barrier inks, and because of this conductive ink, manufacturers in the UK say that sales are steadily growing.

Dramatically Lowers Cost.

More and more companies including large manufacturers are approaching providers of printed electronics in order to significantly lower their costs, increase performance, and reduce the weight of the packaging which would reduce the amount of materials required on their bill of materials. The future of printed electronics is certainly looking good for now, and shows signs that it will continue to grow in the future. There is clear growth in the printed electronics as well as the conductive inks market and revenues are growing year on year.

Many Applications.

Manufacturers have, historically had to pay large sums of money and had to use ways that could be best described as ineffective, to deposit metals when producing their devices, like mobile phones and such. Printed electronics are allowing manufacturers to search for cheaper and better ways to deposit metal onto their goods and they are trying to change many processes into a single process. The technique known as ‘direct-write’ allows the metal to be put in the needed form and shape, in one process and so printed electronics are now used to deliver electronic devices like sensors.

There are many opportunities for printed electronics manufacturers to apply their products to many additional applications. It has taken the car industry by storm and different ink types are now being used to replace switches in cars and other vehicles throughout the car manufacturing industry. Printed electronics are now being used in the aerospace and robotic industries as well as in the medical industry. Because of their malleability, they are also easy to integrate with existing hardware used by aerospace companies and medical markets that rely on age-old classic designs and models for building parts.


The market continues to grow and especially in the solar cell printing area, where they are using aluminium and silver inks. The inks and pastes however, need to be customised for each manufacturer and they all need to go through the necessary process of customisation. Not every single ink will work for all applications and so the need to individually make them for every customer is required. Sales for new printed electronic inks, are growing beyond market predictions and these inks are allowing their manufacturers to increase profit margins and increase profits.

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